Get In Touch
If you have any questions, whether regarding how to get involved, policy, or any other issue you might have, make sure to reach out. We’ll aim to answer any questions as soon as possible. Alternatively, check out our “People” page above and contact any member of our team directly.
Have an area-specific issue? Find your local party via the button below, and reach out to them that way.
Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is the South East Green Party?
The South East Green Party is a collaboration of various local green parties in the South East, aiming to support them all to win elections!
How can I help Greens win in the South East?
If you are interested in helping out, click here, click “Get Involved” in the header, or contact your local party! If for some reason none of these are what you are looking for, fill in the form on the right and we’ll get in touch ASAP!
How can I find my local party?
To find your local party, click here, or go to the Header and click “Local Parties”!
I want to stand as a candidate for the Green Party in Local Elections - how do i do that?
If you are interested in standing as a candidate, fill in this form, click “Get Involved” above, or contact your local party here!
How can I donate to the South East Green Party?
If you are interested in donating to the Green Party, follow the link in the header and donate to our fundraiser there! Donations to the South East will help fund staff costs and will allow us to continue supporting all local parties.